Service Officer Training/Claims Workshop

January 20-21 2023


VFW Post 4515, Monticello
148 Veterans Drive
Monticello, Ar

Friday 1/20/23  Post Service Officer Training
1500 to 1800

1. What is new at the VA
2. PACT ACT clarification and where to find the actual law
3. Break
4. Why the PVSO is so important and how to better serve our Veteran’s
5. Complete forms packet for the Post and how to fill them out, correctly

Saturday 1/21/23 Claims Information Workshop
08:00 to 14:30

1. PACT ACT facts and to whom they apply
2. The importance of "TIMELY” and our promise to you
3. Why claims are denied and how to appeal them - many avenues, not just a hearing
4. National Guard, Reserves, and the difference in "Active Duty”
5. Two hours of open questions

Future locations to include:
West Memphis
Mountain Home